Lab News - Mostly New Publications

3/1/2021 - Publication of stable fly genome

Our study in BMC Biology

2/16/2021 - Publication of Kennan Oyen's tick manuscript

Our study on thanatosis in the Journal of Medical Entomology

2/9/2021 - Sex comb paper with Mike Polak

Our study in Current Biology

12/1/2020 - Stink bug genome paper

Our study in BMC Genomics

12/1/2020 - Wester flower thrips genome paper

Our study in BMC Biology

12/1/2020 - Comparative i5k genome paper

Our study in Genome Biology

11/13/2020 - Antarctic midge reproduction paper by Geoff Finch

Our study in Scientific Reports

9/17/2020 - Mosquito sleep reveiw by Oluwaseun Ajayi

Our study in Trends in Parasitology

9/1/2020 - Mite-fly interaction publication featuring RNA-seq studies

Our study in Parasitology

8/27/2020 - Cockroach symbiont paper by Emily Jennings

Our study in Microbiology Resource Announcements

7/1/2020 - Screwworm genome

Our study in Communications Biology

7/1/2020 - Sawfly genome

Our study in Genome Biology and Evolution

5/1/2020 - Cockroach RNA-seq paper by Emily Jennings

Our study in Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

4/1/2020 - Sex chromosome publication with Rich Meisel

Our study in G3

12/1/2019 - Multiple tsetse fly genome publication

Our study in Genome Biology

12/1/2019 - Milkweed bug genome

Our study in Genome Biology

10/1/2019 - Dehydration stress review in mosquitoes by Chris Holmes

Our study in Insects

7/1/2019 - Cockroach microbiome paper by Emily Jennings

Our study in Ecology and Evolution

6/1/2019 - Thermal stress review with Claudio Lazzari, David L Denlinger, Chloé Lahondère

Our study in Current Opinion in Insect Science

5/1/2019 - Flesh fly genome published

Our study in G3

2/1/2019 - Short synopsis of insect lactation

Our study in Science

1/15/2019 - Paper by Hannah Meiber on mite reproduction

Our study in Polar Biology

1/1/2019 - Publication of Andrew Rosendale's project on tick starvation

Our study in Molecular Ecology

12/1/2018 - Publication of the water strider genome

Our study in BMC Genomics

5/1/2018 - Publication of study by Richard Hagan on how dehydration impacts mosquito blood feeding

Our study in Scientific Reports

4/10/2018 - Publication of Hyalella azteca genome

Our study in Environmental Science and Technology

2/15/2018 - Publication of paper on autophagy during tsetse fly reproduction

Our study in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

2/5/2018 - Publication of paper by Chris Holmes on moose tick thermal biology

Our study in Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases

1/31/2018 - Publication of the Colorado potato beetle genome

Our study in Scientific Reports

12/1/2017 - Publication of starvation review with Marshall McCue and John Terblanche

Our study in Journal of Experimental Biology

11/21/2017 - Short summary of blood feeding stress in eLife with David Denlinger

Our study in eLife

10/11/2017 - Publication of nutrition paper with Mike Polak

Our study in Proceeding B

6/23/2017 - Publication of Andrew Rosendale's tick manuscript

Our study on dehydration and starvation interactions for ticks in the Journal of Insect Physiology

1/12/2017 - Publication of tsetse fly paper in eLife

Our recent publication on the dynamics between tsetse fly immunity and symbiosis was featured with an eLife Insight

11/11/2016 - Publication of Asian Long-Horned Beetle Genome Project

GenomeWeb has provided media coverage of our recent publication of the ALB genome. GenomeWeb

4/25/2014 - Tsetse fly genome project has been published!

Tsetse fly genome project was published in Science